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Teaching Activities

Courses Taught

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India (2018-present)
F = Fall, S = Spring, Su = Summer


1. AE341A: Aerospace Propulsion (S 2018, S 2019, Su 2019)
2. AE351A: Experiments in Aerospace Engineering – II (S 2020
, S 2022, S 2023, S 2024)
3. AE451A: Experiments in Aerospace Engineering – III (F 2021)
4. AE664A: Applied Compressible Flows (
F 2018, F 2019, F 2020
, F 2022, F 2023)
5. AE755A: Explosion and Detonation Physics (
S 2021)

6. AE608A: Heat Transfer in Aerospace Applications (S 2024)

7. AE663A: Fundamentals of Combustion (F 2024)


1. ESO201A: Thermodynamics (F 2021)

New PG Course Developed

1. AE755A: Explosion and Detonation Physics



University of Maryland College Park, USA (2013-2015)
F = Fall, S = Spring, Su = Summer

Taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses as a teaching practicum in partial fulfillment of the Future Faculty Program.


1. ENFP300: Fire Protection Fluid Mechanics (S 2013, S 2014, # of lectures: 3)
2. ENFP489W: Wildland Fires: Science and Applications (
S 2015, # of lectures: 3)
3. ENFP630: Diffusion Flames and Burning Rate Theory (
F 2014, # of lectures: 3)
4. ENFP629W: Wildland Fires: Science and Applications (
S 2015, # of lectures: 3)


New Courses Developed

AE755A  -  Explosion and Detonation Physics


Course Contents: Introduction, Deflagrations and Detonations, Discovery of the Detonation Phenomenon, Outstanding Problems, Gas Dynamic Theory of Detonations and Deflagrations, Basic Equations, Rayleigh Line and Hugoniot Curve, The Tangency (Chapman-Jouguet) Solutions, Rankine-Hugoniot Relations, Laminar Structure of Detonations, The ZND Structure of an Ideal Gas, Pathological Detonations, Non-ideal Detonations, Experimental Measurement Techniques, Unstable Detonations, The Spinning Detonation Phenomenon, The Manson-Taylor-Fay-Chu Acoustic Theory of Spinning Detonations, Structure of the Spinning Detonations, Multiheaded Detonations, Cellular Structure in Other Geometries, Cell Size and Chemistry, Effect of Chemistry on Stability, Direct Numerical Simulation of Unstable Detonations, Influence of Boundary Conditions, Velocity Deficits, Detonations in Rough-walled Tubes, Acoustically Absorbing Walls, Detonation Limits, Interaction of Detonation Waves with a Solid Surface, Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition (DDT), Salient Features of the Transition Phenomenon, Flame Acceleration Mechanisms, The Criterion for Transition from Deflagration to Detonation, Direct Initiation of Detonations, Blast Initiation, The Critical Tube Diameter, Theory of Blast Initiation, Applications, Detonation-based Engines, Explosions, Catastrophic Accidents, Detonation and Explosion Scenarios - Safety Regulations, Review of the Intense Vapor Cloud Explosions, Creation of Stars - Supernova Explosions.




This course is devoted to a description of the detonation phenomenon, explaining the physical and chemical processes responsible for the self-sustained propagation of the detonation wave. The course will also cover the basic concepts related to the hydrodynamic theory that permits the detonation state to be determined. Additional topics on the influence of boundary conditions on the propagation of a detonation wave, the initiation of a detonation wave in an explosive, to detonation-based futuristic engines will also be covered. Lastly, the course will also deal with the physics of explosions where the focus will be on lessons learned from catastrophic accidents to the creation of the universe.


The proposed course will be the first course in the field of detonations and explosions to be offered at IIT-K and will provide vital insights into the likelihood and reality of detonations and explosions involving flammable gas leaks. As such, it will serve as the foundation for improving risk management in the oil and gas industry and will create a framework on which to base worker safety regulations. The course also applies to astrophysical explosions, but it has a fundamental relevance to something very practical: safety and regulation. The proposed course will also cover the necessary material related to controlled use of detonations for futuristic propulsion systems.



Short Summary and Objectives 

Courses Information

More information about Aerospace Engineering courses can be found under the following link:


AE 341A  -  Aerospace Propulsion


Course Contents: Introduction Principle of Propulsion Air-breathing and Rocket Propulsion, Reading assignment and Homework on Basic Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Compressible Flow should be given. Aero Thermodynamics of Gas Turbine Engines Introduction Type of Airbreathing jet engines Performance of Gas Turbine Engines (Thrust, efficiency, range). Cycle Analysis of Air-breathing Jet Engines (Ideal and Actual Cycles) Ramjet Turbojet Turbofan Turboprop Turboshaft. Air Intakes. Rocket Propulsion Introduction Single and multi Stage Rockets. Performance of Chemical Rockets Principle of Combustion Estimation of Adiabatic Flame Temperature Thrust Coefficient Characteristic Velocity Types of Nozzles and Efficiencies. Gas Turbine Combustors and Afterburners. 

AE 664A  -  Applied Compressible Flows


Course Contents: Governing equations for compressible flow, 1D compressible flow, Normal shocks, Oblique shocks, Transport Processes in Compressible Flow, Rayleigh Flow, Fanno Flow, Quasi 1D Flow, Nozzles, Diffusers, Design of Intakes and Nozzles, Supersonic Wind Tunnel, Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Waves, 2D Potential Flow, Axi-symmetric Flow, Rotational Flow, Method of Characteristics, Reacting Compressible Flows, High-temperature Gas dynamics


AE 351  -  Experiments in Aerospace Engineering - II


Course Contents: Dimensional analysis, Wind tunnels, Basic Experiments with different sensors, Material characterization, Flow Visualization. About 12 experiments will be conducted in the course. The breakup of the experiments will be as follows:


Aerospace Structures

Low-Speed Aerodynamics  

Aerospace Propulsion 

High-speed Aerodynamics 


List of Experiments:

Aerospace Structures

Bending of beams

Shear centre estimation

Estimation of Principal Axes4


UTM (static tests)


Low-Speed Aerodynamics

Laser light flow visualization

Smoke flow visualization

Hotwire anemometry (calibration + test)

Force balance calibration

Calibration of low-speed tunnel Flow past airfoil/circular cylinder Cp distribution


Aerospace Propulsion

Calibration and use of pressure sensors Calibration and use of thermocouples


High-Speed Aerodynamics

Schlieren + shadowgraphy

Estimation of Mach number from a static pressure measurement in a supersonic tunnel


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