Combustion and Propulsion Laboratory
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
-Claude Bernard
Ongoing Research Projects
Research Projects
1. Development of a Physics-Based Model to Predict the Soot Formation in Practical Flames Using Experimental Data of Soot
Particle Size Distribution Functions in a Series of Stretch-Stabilized Flat Flames
Role: PI
Agency: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), India
Duration: 2 years
Grant: 35 lakhs (USD 43,000)
Status: To be started
2. Understanding and Predicting Soot Formation from Jet Fuels and their Biofuel Blends for Gas Turbine Engines
Role: PI
Agency: Aeronautical Research and Development Board (ARDB), India
Duration: 3 years
Grant: 169 lakhs (USD 205,000)
Status: Ongoing​
3. Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition Studies in a Detonation Tube Facility
Role: PI
Agency: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), India
Duration: 2 years
Grant: 30 lakhs (USD 43,000)
Status: Ongoing
4. NOx and Soot emissions from Biofuel-Blended Jet Fuels
Role: PI
Agency: Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF), India
Duration: 3 years
Grant: 64.02 lakhs (USD 77,132)
Status: Ongoing
5. Sensitizing Fuel-Oxidizer-Diluent Mixtures for Detonation Cycle Engines
Role: PI
Agency: Aeronautical Research and Development Board (ARDB), India
Duration: 3 years
Grant: 93.763 lakhs (USD 110,000)
Status: Ongoing
6. Turbulent Boundary Layer Combustion for Propulsion and Fire Science Applications: Theoretical, Experimental,
and Computational Studies
Role: PI
Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), India
Duration: 2 years
Grant: 30 lakhs (USD 43,000)
Status: Completed
7. Sooting Characteristics of Conventional and Alternative Jet Fuels
Role: PI
Agency: DoRD, IIT Kanpur, India
Duration: 3 years
Grant: 25 lakhs (USD 36,000)
Status: Completed
8. Investigation of Combustion Characteristics of Carbon Coated Aluminum Nanoparticles
Role: Co-PI
Agency: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), India
Duration: 3 years
Grant: 25 lacs (USD 36,000)
Status: Completed
9. Development of Detonation and Combustion Models for Metal Infused Explosives
Role: Co-PI
Agency: Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL), DRDO, India
Duration: 3 years
Grant: 35 lakhs (USD 50,000)
Status: Completed
10. Development of an Axial Flow Turbine Test Rig
Role: Co-PI
Agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST), India
Duration: 2 years
Grant: 24 lakhs (USD 35,000)
Status: Completed
Reviewing Activities
Reviewer for Journals
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (2015-present)
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2017-present)
Journal of Fire Sciences (2017-present)
Fire Technology (2014-present)
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (2014-present)
Combustion and Flame (2018-present)
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2018-present)
Fire Safety Journal (2018-present)
Fuel (2018-present)
International Association For Fire Safety Science (2019-present)
ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications (2020-present)
Services / Peer Recognition
Session Chair, 38th International Symposium on Combustion, Adelaide, Australia, 2021
International Advisory Committee, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Fluid and Thermal Sciences, Dubai, UAE, 2020
Member, Proulx and Magnusson Early Career Awards Committee, 13th IAFSS Symposium, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2020
Session Chair, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland, 2018
Member, Faculty Search Committee, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kanpur, 2018-2020
Outreach Activities
Outreach to Women in Engineering and other groups
Location: College Park, MD
Description: Conducted laboratory tours, presentations on fire research, discussions on college education and more to women in engineering and other groups at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA, 2013-2014.
Professional Memberships
Professional Memberships
The Combustion Institute, Member
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Member
International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS), Member
International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF), Member
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Member
Thesis Oral Board Committee
M.Tech. Thesis Oral Board Committee Member​
[1] Mr. Gaurav Seth (14807242), “Prediction Of Post Detonation Evolution Of Flow Parameters For Non-Ideal Explosives.” 2019.
[2] Mr. Parneeth Lokini (16101024), “Study of Emissions in an Atmospheric Pressure Gas Turbine Combustor Rig.” 2018.
[3] Pooja Nema (16101027), “Investigation of Stagnation Point Reverse Flow Slinger Combustor." 2018.
[4] Boomadevi (16101007), “Investigation Analysis of Infrared Signature from the aircraft plume for various Nozzle Configurations.” 2018.